Voice Magazine, Issue 47.1 - Fall/Winter 2023

The digital edition of our Fall/Winter 2023 issue of the Voice is now available! The latest issue includes feature articles on new approaches to Handel's Messiah, reflections from our inaugural Music Education Partnership Grants partners, and applying big marketing ideas to choruses of any size. Read the 2023 Fall/Winter Voice here.

Issue Articles

Border CrosSing El Mesias
In recent years, a growing number of choruses and choral projects have approached Handel’s Messiah through new perspectives, bringing this hallmark of the Western European cannon into dialogue with a...
Stephanie Helleckson
While big-picture marketing concepts can feel overwhelming initially, understanding how they apply to your chorus will help structure your marketing efforts and reach more people.
Music Education Partnership Grants - Grand Vision Foundation
Grant recipients from Chorus America’s Music Education Partnership Grants program share how they used group singing to create a sense of community and belonging through their projects.

About The Voice

Chorus America's award-winning quarterly magazine, The Voice, highlights chorus news, artistic initiatives in the choral world, and advice and commentary on the business of running a successful chorus. The Voice is distributed to nearly 2,000 choral leaders throughout North America. It is published in Spring, Summer, and Fall/Winter; ISSN 1074-0805. Browse articles and past issues in the tabs below. Editor, Liza W. Beth